Arsentiy Kharitonov
explore the music that is composed today
"Since the beginning of my musical journey, I have always felt that my best qualities are reflected in the product of my own spirit. Creating a new piece of music is anxious and painful process, yet it is the most gratifying. In one way or another, it requires me to step into the dark room of my unconscious."
2022. In 4 movements. 31 minutes. 2222-4231-Timp-4perc-Hp-strings
Dedicated to Alexei Volodin
2020. In 5 movements. 23 minutes. 2122(Cbsn)- 22-Timp-2perc-Hp-strings
Dedicated to Julia Bushkova.
2021. A symphonic poem. 12 minutes.
222+( 2-42-Timp-5perc-Hp-strings
This symphonic poem alludes to a particular place in Dante’s first part of the Divine Comedy - the City of Dis and its various citizens
2017. For Violin Ensemble and Piano. 5'16'' minutes.
Commissioned by Julia Bushkova and Ensemble "ViolUNTi"
2017, (rev.2024) For Violin Ensemble. 7 minutes.
Commissioned by Julia Bushkova and Ensemble "ViolUNTi"
2018. For four violins. 10 minutes.
Dedicated to Julia Bushkova
2022. For two violins. 9 minutes.
Commissioned by Sinn Yang.
2019. For piano. In 4 movements. 25 minutes.
2018. For cello. 12 minutes.
Commissioned by Cicely Parnas
2017. 6 virtuosic etudes for piano. 24 minutes.
2014-2020. For piano. Selection of miniatures.